40 research outputs found

    Keputusan Permohonan Geran UNIMAS SoTL 2018

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    Cognitive Factors Affecting Suicidal Ideation : A Preliminary Study

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    Suicidal ideation or suicidal thought is troubling but yet common. Suicidal ideation is basically thought about and planning suicide. This paper examined cognitive factors affecting suicidal ideation and attempted to put forward a model of suicidal ideation. The findings indicated that cognitive distortion, hopelessness, problem solving, and psychache are the common cognitive factors contributing to the development of suicidal ideation. However, the findings among previous studies are inconsistent. Other studies showed that rumination is the additional antecedent for suicidal thought. Preliminary results indicated a revised version of suicidal ideation model in understanding the nature of suicidal ideation, which includes cognitive distortion, hopelessness, problem solving, psychache, and rumination. This paper also disc future study

    Evaluating Cognitive Distortion Scale Using Exploratory Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis

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    Despite being used extensively in suicide research, the psychometric properties of Cognitive Distortion Scale have not been examined in Malaysia. This study aimed to study the reliability and validity of this scale. A study was performed on 414 university students. Participants had to respond for each item based on the scale of 1 (never) to 7 (all the time). The reliability and validity of the instrument were analysed with the Cronbach’s Alpha and Exploratory Factor Analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 25. Finding from the reliability analysis suggested high reliability index value with the overall score was 0.94. Further, the result for instrument validity based on the exploratory factor analysis suggested three (3) main constructs with eigenvalue more than 1 which explained 61.36%of variance. The factor loading values for each criterion ranged from 0.47 to 0.86. Overall, finding obtained from this study has shown that Cognitive Distortion Scale has high reliability and validity, and suggested to load ten cognitive patterns into three patterns

    Cognitive Factors Affecting Suicidal Ideation: A Preliminary Study

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    Suicidal ideation or suicidal thought is troubling but yet common. Suicidal ideation is basically thought about and planning suicide. This paper examined cognitive factors affecting suicidal ideation and attempted to put forward a model of suicidal ideation. The findings indicated that cognitive distortion, hopelessness, problem solving, and psychache are the common cognitive factors contributing to the development of suicidal ideation. However, the findings among previous studies are inconsistent. Other studies showed that rumination is the additional antecedent for suicidal thought. Preliminary results indicated a revised version of suicidal ideation model in understanding the nature of suicidal ideation, which includes cognitive distortion, hopelessness, problem solving, psychache, and rumination. This paper also discussed the limitation and recommendation for future study

    Does Gender Difference Play a Significant Role in Verbal and Visuospatial Working Memory Performance?

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    The present study investigates gender differences in working memory performance, both verbal and visuospatial working memory performance. Quasi-experimental research was conducted individually on 32 undergraduates at a public university in Malaysia, using a reading span task and rotation span task. The performance was based on the total number of correct recalled and the total time taken. Results showed a significant gender difference in the verbal and visuospatial working memory performance. The observation was based on the total time taken, in which males performed more rapidly than females in both tasks. In terms of accuracy, female participants recalled better than their male counterparts in the verbal task, which is consistent with numerous past studies. However, no gender difference was identified in the visuospatial task performance, based on the total number of correct recalled. The study also found that male participants did not show an advantage in visuospatial abilities, contradicting findings by past studies

    What happens when a person has suicidal thoughts? An exploration on the thinking pattern of suicidal ideation.

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    Suicide has become a debilitating issue. Although it is a preventable condition but failure to understand the thinking pattern could significantly dampen the effort to avert it. Despite being an important issue, there is still a lack of study centralising into the thinking pattern when suicidal thoughts are mooted in. Due to this gap, this study was set to examine the relationship between cognitive distortion and suicidal ideation. Using purposive sampling 414 students whose were seeking career advice were recruited to participate in this study. Results indicated that there was a significant relationship between cognitive distortion and suicidal ideation. Using multiple regression, the finding showed that out of 10 thinking patterns, Overgeneralisation contributes the most to the suicidal thoughts. These findings will help professionals to understand better the nature of suicidal ideation and assist them in providing better services and alleviating its symptoms. This study also discussed the limitations and the directions for future research

    Relationship between Suicidal Ideation and Cognitive Distortion Among Undergraduates

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    Suicide has become a debilitating issue. Although it is a preventable condition but failure to understand the thinking pattern could significantly dampen the effort to avert it. Despite being an important issue, there is still a lack of study centralising into the thinking pattern when suicidal thoughts are mooted in. Due to this gap, this study was set to examine the relationship between cognitive distortion and suicidal ideation. Using purposive sampling 414 students whose were seeking career advice were recruited to participate in this study. Results indicated that there was a significant relationship between cognitive distortion and suicidal ideation. Using multiple regression, the finding showed that out of 10 thinking patterns, overgeneralisation contributes the most to the suicidal thoughts. These findings will help professionals to understand better the nature of suicidal ideation and assist them in providing better services and alleviating its symptoms. This study also discussed the limitations and the directions for future research

    Gratitude and Its Relationship with Students’ Psychological Well-Being and Happiness

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    This study examines gratitude among undergraduate students of a public university in Malaysia and its relationship with psychological well-being and happiness. This study took 149 samples randomly from 235 undergraduate students who were asked to participate in answering Gratitude Questionnaire-6, Ryff's Scale of Psychological Well Being, and Subjective Happiness Scale. Correlation analysis shows a positive relationship between gratitude and students' psychological well-being and happiness. This study supports the previous studies that practicing gratitude is a positive way to enhance students' healthy psychological well-being and happiness in their life. This study recommends the university management to take consideration to cultivate gratitude practice embedded in the curriculum or in the extracurricular activities

    Pembelajaran Atas Talian : Motivasi Akademik dalam Kalangan Pelajar Tahun Satu di Universiti

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    Wabak COVID-19 telah memberi kesan besar bukan sahaja kepada ekonomi malah emosi dan psikologi kepada semua lapisan masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Pelajar universiti, khususnya, turut dilaporkan mengalami kesan psikologi apabila terpaksa melalui pembelajaran dalam talian akibat pandemik COVID-19. Maka, tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk memahami motivasi akademik, sama ada intrinsik mahupun ekstrinsik di kalangan para pelajar tahun satu yang terpaksa mengikuti sesi pembelajaran dalam talian sepenuhnya sepanjang tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP). Seramai 159 orang pelajar tahun satu dari Fakulti Sains Kognitif dan Pembangunan Manusia (FSKPM), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) telah mengisi penilaian “Academic Motivation Scale” (Wabash National Study Instruments, 2020) menerusi Google Form secara dalam talian. Secara ringkasnya, hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa para pelajar mempunyai motivasi intrinsik dan ekstrinsik yang tinggi walaupun ia merupakan satu pengalaman yang baru bagi mereka. Namun begitu, pengalaman akademik yang kurang menyeronokkan turut mempengaruhi motivasi akademik pelajar. Perbincangan dan cadangan penambaikkan bagi mengatasi isu ini turut dijelaskan di akhir kajian ini

    Guided Learning To Improve Self Directed Learning: A Study Among First Year Psychology Students In Unimas

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    Many studies agreed that students in higher education institution, particularly in year one, still rely on teacher-centred learning (Du Toit-Brits, 2019). This phenomenon was also found, particularly among first year UNIMAS students. They tend to wait for lecturers to spoon-feed them as what they had experienced during their secondary education. In industrial revolution 4.0 where knowledge is everywhere, learning is much easier. However, learning depends on the students themselves. University students should sufficiently equip themselves with the learning skills which prepared them to be more independent and self-directed in their learning